General Description
The VP-2101 is a 3U OpenVPX™ board for general-purpose I/O applications requiring air-cooled or conduction cooled equipment. It is designed for the most demanding applications, combining system-on-chip capabilities together with the flexibility of interfaces customization via several available add-on modules.
DO-254 certification package and manufacturing data package are also available on customer demand.
- 3U OpenVPX™ form factor
- Altera Cyclone VTM SoC FPGA
- Two expansion slots featuring high-speed interface and multi-rail power supplies
- SD card
- Two Triple speed Ethernet ports
- PCIe Gen2 x 4 interface
- Two 1-GByte DDR3 on-board memory banks
- 128 MBytes Serial Flash device
- 4 Kbytes serial EEPROM
- I2C, USB 2.0 OTG and JTAG interfaces
- Conduction-cooled and Air-cooled version available
Expansion slots signal
- 3 x clk signals (25 MHz s.e. + 125 MHz differential + User defined s.e.)
Open VPx flyer
- 2 x transceiver links up to 5Gbit/s to FPGA
- 16 TX/RX LVDS pairs + 2 LVDS clock signals to FPGA
- 22 single ended signals from Slot1/Slot2 to FPGA
- 72 user defined signals from Slot1/Slot2 to P2 connector
- 8 single ended signals from Slot1 to Slot2
- Power supplies (2.5V, 3.3V, 5V, 12V, 3.3V Aux, 12V Aux, -12V Aux)